Isle of Wight Postal Museum

Protecting Our Postal Heritage


© Arthur Reeder/Isle of Wight Postal Museum 2000 - 2016

  Stately Home Posting Box

This is one of those psuedo-pillarboxes that were made up for   very grand residences.

  It is modelled on the first standard pillar so I stood it next to it.

  Little and large.

  They can cost the earth these little boxes as they fall into the   antique furniture bracket.  

  I didn't pay much as it sort of slipped through the e-bay net   when I was the only bidder!

  I could have 'bought it now' for over £1500...and that is a snip   compared to one I saw that was sold at auction in Somerset for   .....£8500!

  Okay it was slightly more ornate with a brass crest on the front   and an opening lower stamp drawer, but hey, my £200 looks   like a bargain!

‘Stately Home’ Posting Box

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